Charollais is Dounby sheep champion

Taking the top spot in the sheep section of the Dounby Show was the Charollais section winner, the 3-shear ram, Logie Durno Outlander.
The ram, which was by Riverdale Noble, was shown by Sheena Coghill of Muce Farm, Birsay.
The three judges, Davie Middleton of Laurencekirk, Hamish Baillie of Tankerness, and Isobel Angus of Thurso, did not take long to decide on the top final places in what they all agreed was a very good show of sheep in the yard.
Mrs Coghill said that she was delighted to win on the day, especially given that Charollais are sometimes not as popular a breed as others can sometimes be.
“I was never expecting it, so it really was an extra bonus,” she added.
Overall reserve in the sheep section was the Cheviot winner, a homebred gimmer shown by L. S. Flett & Co., Nistaben, Harray. The gimmer was out of a homebred ewe bred by a Bardnaclavan tup.