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Comments on community plan sought

The Orkney Community Planning Partnership is calling for comments on its current Community Plan, to help inform the development of the 2014-17 edition.

It has selected three top priorities for action:

  • Vibrant economic environment: To enhance the vibrancy of Orkney’s economic environment (in the context of geography, external influences, advantages and opportunities).
  • Sustainable Orkney Communities: To maintain and increase a sense of belonging and community to enhance social sustainability throughout Orkney.
  • Positive Ageing: To promote positive ageing, recognising the growth in the county’s older population.

The Partnership chairman, OIC convener Councillor Steven Heddle, described the plan as a “combined commitment to the people of Orkney”.

He added: “Each edition sets out what the partnership hopes to achieve over the next three years, and beyond, as its contribution both to Orkney’s local priorities and to the ambitions of the Scottish Government for the whole of Scotland.

“It encompasses our long term-vision for Orkney, and some of the developments it describes will be part of our lives for decades to come.”

The document is available here, and feedback should be emailed to corporateservices@orkney.gov.uk before June 3.