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Conservation management plan drop-in sessions

Four drop-in sessions will be held this month as part of a consultation on a new management plan for Orkney’s four urban conservation areas.

The plan, currently in draft form, will be revised to in response to feedback received during the consultation and then considered by islands councillors for approval.

It covers all four of the county’s urban conservation areas, in Kirkwall, Stromness, St Margaret’s Hope and Balfour Village. Once approved, the plan will be a key consideration when planning applications in the conservation areas are determined by Orkney Islands Council.

The drop-in sessions are open to all and take place on:

  •  Thursday August 15, from 4-7pm, at the Royal Hotel, Stromness.
  • Friday August 16, from 1-7pm, at the St Magnus Centre, Kirkwall.
  • Monday August 19, from 3.30-6.30pm, at the Community Centre, Shapinsay.
  • Tuesday August 20, from 4-7pm, at the Cromarty Hall, St. Margaret’s Hope.