Construction work on new Evie school starts next week

Construction work on a new school for Evie is due to start next week.
The £2.627m replacement community school is being part funded by the Scottish Government through the Scottish Futures Trust
The OIC was asked to outline its schools most in need of replacement or refurbishment in 2009, to help Scottish Government Ministers decide on how to allocate a national funding pot of £1.25 billion.
At the time, Evie was put forward as an option by the council, due to increasing challenges in making it fit for modern education requirements – for example, the current school building, completed in the 1970s, is over several different levels, and bringing the heating and insulation up to modern standards would involve disruption and reduce classroom sizes.
Construction starts on March 24 and its expected the new school will open in the summer of 2016. The new school will be built next to the current school and includes creation of a junior grass pitch.