
Cruise Arrivals


Council delegation look set for trip to Cheshire

OIC councillors have agreed to send a delegation of eight to Poynton in Cheshire, to find out how improvements can be made to the historic heart of Kirkwall and other areas.

The £6000 trip was approved of at the development and infrastructure committee on Tuesday, but will still have to be approved of at Full Council.

‘Placemaking’ is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces.

Last October, councillors and officials took part in a ‘placemaking’ training event, and the Council Plan 2013-18 identified the need to develop a placemaking strategy.

According to a report before councillors, although Scotland’s other local authorities are tasked with working to implement ‘placemaking’, there are currently no contemporary examples in Scotland, therefore there is an opportunity for Orkney to pioneer this method of working.