
Cruise Arrivals


County Show day is here!


Orkney’s biggest agricultural show, the County Show, takes place today with all the cattle, sheep, horses and more, all competing to claim Orkney’s top prizes.

The County Show is Orkney’s sixth and final agricultural show for 2016 and as well as featuring the cream of the county’s livestock will also feature fairground rides, games stalls and craft tents at the Bignold Park, in Kirkwall.

Judging kicks off with the light-legged horses at 8am, with the cattle following at 9.30am and the sheep at 10am.

The Supreme Beef Champion is expected to be announced at 2pm and the announcement of the Overall Horse Champion is expected to follow at 2.15pm.

This year’s main attraction is the Galcantray Clydesdales display team, which will perform in the main ring at noon.