Craft vinegar maker set for James Martin TV appearance

Vinegar-maker Sam Britten, of Orkney Craft Vinegar, is due to appear on national TV tomorrow (Saturday).
Top chef James Martin will interview Sam on his popular programme: James Martin Saturday Morning on ITV on Saturday morning.
In the programme James will be chatting to Sam about how he makes Orkney Craft Vinegar and about how the Orkney’s natural environment and local ingredients inspire him.
Sam makes seven different vinegars all of which use ingredients sourced or foraged in Orkney, and uses no plastic.
James will of course be using one of Sam’s vinegars to prepare a dish. The vinegar he has chosen is Smoked Dulse, one of Sam’s most recent vinegars and the one which is a firm favourite with chefs.
The dish James will be preparing is based on fresh smoked haddock.
Orkney Craft Vinegar was begun by Sam Britten in his father-in-law’s garage just over four years ago.
A mention by James Martin on an earlier programme that Sam’s vinegar was “the best you can buy” propelled the vinegar to a much wider audience.
James Martin Saturday Morning will air at 9.30am on STV and ITV.