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Crown Estate could underwrite grid infrastructure cost — McArthur

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has urged Scottish ministers to work with their UK counterparts on putting in place infrastructure to allow renewable energy generated in Orkney to play a larger role in powering the national grid.

Mr McArthur raised the issue with the cabinet secretary for finance and sustainable growth, John Swinney, during general questions in the Scottish Parliament this morning.

Mr McArthur said: “As well as changes to the transmission charging or support regimes it is also vital that grid infrastructure is put in place in the coming years. To ensure this happens, I believe there is now a strong argument for the Crown Estate to step in to underwrite the cost.

“No one is seriously arguing that the risk of putting in place such infrastructure is high, but individual developers are understandably wary of shouldering the responsibility. The Crown Estate, by contrast, seems ideally placed to take on this role.

“I welcome John Swinney’s commitment to continue discussions with the UK Government on this matter and I hope it can help to unlock the renewables potential of our islands.”