Deadline extended for comments on Hoy wind farm project

The deadline date for submission of comments to the Scottish Government on proposed plans for a six-turbine, council-owned wind farm at Wee Fea in Lyness, has been extended until March.
The move is due to COVID-19 related delays in a site visit, and a request received by the Scottish Government from a consultee for an extension.
Members of the public wishing to support, or object to the proposals therefore now have until Tuesday, March 9, to do so.
The Scottish Government has called in the “Orkney’s Community Wind Farm Project – Hoy” planning application for determination, which means that Scottish Ministers will now be responsible for making the final decision on whether or not to grant planning permission for the project.
The project is considered to be of national significance because of the potential for a direct influence on a new subsea interconnector between Orkney and the Scottish Mainland which has been identified in the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) as a National Development.
A new interconnector would make a significant contribution in meeting national net-zero carbon emissions targets and would follow on from the Scottish Government and local authorities across Scotland (including Orkney Islands Council) declaring a Climate Emergency.
Full documentation for the Hoy proposal is free to view on the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) website, case reference CIN-ORK-002, at
Copies of the EIA report may also be purchased from Orkney Islands Council by emailing Sweyn Johnston at
Any person who wishes to make representations to Scottish Ministers can write in before the deadline, quoting the above reference number to: The Planning and Environmental Appeals Division, Scottish Government, Ground Floor, Hadrian House, Callendar Business Park, Callendar Road, Falkirk FK1 1XR or by e-mail to Jayne Anderson.
A planning application for the Faray project is due to be submitted early this year and OIC will also request that Scottish Ministers call in that application.