Decision time for two OIC community windfarm sites

Councillors will, on Thursday, make a decision on the future of two of the council’s community windfarms.
Six-turbine developments at Quanterness and Hoy, and a decision on whether to proceed with the proposed developments, will come under the consideration of elected members, in a special meeting of the policy and resources committee.
It is recommended that the 2pm meeting on Thursday be held in private, due to the sensitive commercial information under discussion.
Elected members will have to weigh up a series of complex factors for each site, not least the cost of linking the turbines with the Finstown substation, currently in the early stages of development. In Hoy’s case, this would involve a subsea element.
Councillors could decide to proceed with both, one or none of the projects.
Orkney Islands Council hopes to raise millions of pounds in income and community benefit funding through the windfarms.
The authority estimates that the three windfarms could make up to £5.5 million profit per year — enabling OIC to preserve and enhance key services.
A decision on a third windfarm on Faray will be undertaken at a later date.
It is understood that a decision is required now, or the authority could face large financial penalties, should the projects be scrapped at a later date.