Discussion sessions on the future of education

Discussion sessions for teachers and parents on the draft National Improvement Framework will take place in Orkney next week.
According to the Scottish Government, the National Improvement Framework will play an important role in providing the evidence needed to close the attainment gap and continually improve Scottish education and is the next phase of Curriculum for Excellence.
The events will be at the Kirkwall Town Hall and Community Centre starting at 2pm and 6.30pm on Monday.
Speaking ahead of the session, education secretary Angela Constance said: “While there are many successes in Scottish education, including excellent teaching, record Higher and Advanced Higher results and more than nine in ten school-leavers securing jobs, training or continued education, we need to do more to ensure that our education system works for every child in Scotland.
“Our draft National Improvement Framework will build on a strong record of achievement, with the aim of ensuring we have the right information about children’s progress right across Scotland. The Framework will look at a range of existing and new evidence which will tell us how we are progressing and where support is required for improvement purposes.
“One source of data will be a new standardised assessment, focusing on reading, writing and numeracy. This new system will help to reduce the burden of assessment, building on best practice and replacing the wide variety of approaches taken by local authorities with a new streamlined, consistent approach. Crucially, the assessments will inform teacher judgment, not replace it.
“I am looking forward to hearing the views of parents, teachers, children and others with an interest in improving Scottish education to support the development of the draft Framework.”
Peter Diamond, Orkney Islands Council’s head of schools, added: “The development of the National Improvement Framework will have a major impact on the future delivery of education in Scotland.
“It is good that people in our community have this opportunity to share their views with some of the team from Education Scotland involved in this important initiative.
“I would encourage young people, parents and school staff to go along to one or other of the sessions, find out more and join the discussion.”
For more information, see http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Education/Schools/NationalImprovementFramework