Distillery company make local appointment

The company behind plans to establish a new distillery in Orkney have announced the appointment of the former manager of the Highland Park Distillery, Jim Robertson, as a senior advisor.
Grythyttan Whisky, currently based in Sweden, is moving its production to Orkney in 2014. Benny Borgh, managing director of Longship Distillery Limited told The Orcadian last month that the company is owned by the Swedish company Grythyttan Whisky AB, a PLC with more than 1,600 “whisky-loving shareholders” in Scandinavia.
Mr Borgh announced the appointment of Mr Robertson. He said: “Mr Jim Robertson has been appointed senior advisor for Longship Distillery Ltd, Orkney. Jim’s long and fruitful experiences in combination with his excellent contacts in the whisky business will be of great value for the shareholders of both Grythyttan and Longship.”
Mr Borgh earlier said that the company plans to ship their existing distillery equipment to Orkney in mid-January.
However, at this stage he would not reveal where the operation would be based.