Doonies take the ba’ to the water

The Doonies won the honours in the New Year’s Day Men’s Ba’, with the leather trophy hitting the salt water in the basin shortly after 5.30pm.
51-year-old Michael Cursiter was held aloft as winner in the basin after a game which was largely controlled by the Doonies, with the Uppie side putting up a tough fight all the way.
On the route to the water the ba’ was carried in the scrum from Broad Street, on to Castle Street, through WR Tullock’s car park, on to Junction Road and down to the basin at Kirkwall Harbour.
Mr Cursiter of Arwick, Evie has played the game since he was 18, and was playing in his 68th game in a row.
Speaking after his win he said he felt both “brilliant and humbled.”