
Cruise Arrivals

livestock shows

Double Dounby delight in the cattle lines for Spence family

The Spence family of Norton, Dounby, are celebrating a double-win — taking home the top two prizes in the cattle section at Dounby Show.

The Spence family of Norton, Dounby celebrated a one-two at the Dounby Show this afternoon, taking both overall champion and overall reserve titles in the cattle.

The weather held out to make for a fine day at the Dounby Show, as the best livestock in the West Mainland gathered together.

Taking the championship in the cattle section was Dounby Unique, a yearling Charolais heifer out of Dounby Nancy and sired by Fury Leader.

Reserve overall was another homebred yearling heifer from Norton — this time in the cross-coloured section. Dounby Gingersnap was sired by a Charolais bull, Dounby Maverick, out of a Limousin-cross cow.

In the sheep pens, Raymond Flaws of Nisthouse in Evie celebrated his two-decade involvement with the Beltex breed, by picking up the overall championship, with a gimmer, sired by Hackney Gerwyn and out of a Airyolland Avici-sired ewe.

Reserve went to Elsie Wishart, of Newbigging, Harray, with a Cheviot ewe lamb, out of Bardnaclavan Dunkirk and a ewe, sired by Durran Xiamen.

Six-year-old Millquoy Jedi was the champion of the horse section.

The homebred standard Shetland pony, from the Millquoy Stud in Finstown, was shown by a delighted Susie Manson.

The reserve ribbon went to Sharon Nixon from Mill Cottage, Stenness, for her 18-year-old Irish draught cross pony, Tigernach Hartson Bruader.

Full coverage in next week’s The Orcadian.