Double win for Odinstone at Shapinsay Show

The Leslies at Odinstone took a double win at today’s Shapinsay Show, with animals from the farm taking the top prizes in both the cattle and sheep sections.
The winner of the cattle section was an April-born Limousin cross stot shown by Frazer Leslie and, earlier in the day, a one-crop pure Texel ewe, shown by John Leslie, took the sheep championship.
The horse section was won by a six-year-old Connemara part-bred shown and ridden by Rachel Evans, from Quoybanks, Shapinsay.
The show made a triumphant return this year, after it was cancelled in 2015 due to consistent rain.
This year’s president was Stewart Leslie, from Quoymorhouse. Commenting following today’s final competition, the cattle class, he said the show had seen a good turn out of competitors and he felt that everybody who attended had been glad to see the show put back on.