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E.coli update

NHS Orkney and Orkney Islands Council are continuing to investigate a new outbreak of e.coli in the county.

There are two confirmed cases of e.coli O157, one being treated in hospital, the third suspected case is still being investigated and is at home

All the cases are children who attend Peedie Breeks Nursery in Kirkwall, although it has been stressed that there is no evidence to suggest transmission of the infection took place at the nursery.

Dr Ken Black, consultant in public health medicine at NHS Orkney, said: “The nursery team is co-operating fully with the team and all the families who need to be contacted are being contacted directly. We would say again that there is no strong evidence to suggest transmission has taken place at the nursery. We recognise that there is no requirement for the nursery to be named, but appreciate the extra clarity that their decision to be named provides.

“NHS Orkney, in partnership with Orkney Islands Council environmental health officers and Health Protection Scotland, is starting to screen children and staff and they are in contact with the nursery.”