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Electoral register reminder

All properties in Orkney who have not yet responded to their annual Electoral Registration Household Enquiry form will now have received a reminder.

Dennis Stevenson, electoral registration officer for Orkney said: “If you receive a reminder, it is important that you respond to it and let us know either that there have been changes to the household, that the details are the same, or if a property is vacant.

“I would like to encourage householders to respond either online, by text or phone, or by returning the form by post. This form gives details of all the existing electors in each household and any new electors in the property need to be added to the response.

“As the voting age for Scottish Parliamentary and local government elections has now been reduced to 16, details of young people resident in the property who will turn 16 during the next year should also be included when completing the household form.”

Anyone with queries should contact the Electoral Registration Office on 876222 or email ero@orkney.gov.uk.