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Energy campaigners join forces to create manifesto for council election hopefuls

Candidates planning to stand for election to Orkney Islands Council in May are being urged to consider sustainable energy production in the county and the issue of fuel poverty.

The Orkney Renewable Energy Forum (OREF) and fuel poverty charity THAW (Tackling Household Affordable Warmth) Orkney are drawing up a sustainable energy manifesto for the county and inviting folk to help contribute at a meeting in Orkney College tomorrow, Tuesday, February 7.

The hope is that candidates standing for election to the OIC would consider the points raised as possible foundations for the energy-related parts of their campaigns.

Dr Gareth Davies, chairman of OREF, said: “The coherency of Orkney’s messages around sustainable energy has been a key part of the successes that have arisen to date regarding energy production, employment, wealth creation and distribution and carbon emissions reduction.

“This manifesto would set out some of the key building blocks for sustaining and enhancing these achievements into the future.”

The meeting will consider a preliminary list of possible manifesto items and the requirements associated with them and will provide an opportunity for members and attendees to add to or remove items from that list.

Robert Leslie, chairman of THAW Orkney, said: “We live in a county which generates over 100 per cent of its electricity demand from renewables, yet 63 per cent of our households are in fuel poverty.

“Many in the energy sector feel that helping more folk to be affordably warm in their homes should be the driver to developing energy storage and management solutions in Orkney, so we need to persuade our would-be elected members of the best way forward to benefit all.”

OREF and THAW Orkney are encouraging anyone with an interest in in the political environment associated with sustainable energy issues, and how elected decision makers may be able to influence developments, to attend and participate.

The subsequent manifesto will be published by OREF in due course.