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Exam results today for Orkney pupils

examresultsPupils across Orkney will today, Tuesday, receive their examination results from the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA).

Students who signed up for the SQA’s text or email results should receive their results between 8am and 9am today, with results on paper delivered, by post, throughout the day.

Schools are now analysing the National Level 4, 5 and 6 results and focusing on supporting individuals to firm up their future plans.

Peter Diamond, Orkney Islands Council’s head of schools, said: “On behalf of the education team at the council I congratulate pupils, parents and staff on reaching this milestone, and for their hard work throughout the last academic year.

“Now is a time when the whole school community will be pulling together to help students assess their next move, and making sure our school leavers go on to positive destinations – whether that be work, training or further study.

“We’d wish all our pupils who are moving on a successful future.”

Careers Advisers at the Orkney branch of Skills Development Scotland (SDS) will be available all week to help discuss next options. Students can also phone the National Exam Results helpline on 0808 100 8000.

Claire Sim, careers adviser at Kirkwall Grammar School, said: “The main message we want to get out to young people who maybe didn’t get the grades they were hoping for, or the college or university course they wanted, is don’t panic – don’t make any rush decisions.

“Get in touch with us and we can go through all your options, such as going through a clearing process with the universities, looking at alternative training routes or taking a year out to improve exam results and gain more experience.

“Walking through all the avenues open to you with an adviser can help you make a good decision for yourself, and take you a step closer to where you’d like to be.”