Fears for Kirkwall whale

A 50 foot sperm whale has appeared close to Kirkwall Pier this morning, with fears that the very weak animal could die in the area.
The sighting was reported to Orkney SSPCA officer Mike Lynch who described the whale as a young male, in poor condition. He reported the sighting to the SAC Veterinary Centre in Inverness.
Boats in the area were warned to keep away from the whale this morning. There are concerns that it could beach itself and die, or end up in the entrance to Kirkwall harbour itself, having slowly moved along in front of the north face of the pier by 10am this morning.
Mr Lynch said: “There are superficial wounds on both sides of its head, which may have been caused by a propeller. It is in poor condition and very thin looking.”
The whale was so close to the pier the animal could clearly be seen blowing air and moving slightly from time to time.
Mr Lynch was continuing to monitor the situation, as were crowds of people who were gathering at the pier.