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Ferry talks in the council chamber

Senior representatives of Serco NorthLink Ferries and the Scottish Government heard today of the impact the failure of the Hamnavoe has had on Orkney businesses.

During the two-and-a-half-hour meeting, which was held in private in the OIC council chamber, councillors held talks with Judith Ainsley, head of ferries policy and contracts with Transport Scotland, and Stuart Garrett, managing director of Serco NorthLink.

Also present were Gareth Crichton, chairman of the Orkney Tourism Group, and Barbara Foulkes, VisitOrkney’s island manager.

Describing the meeting as “constructive”, OIC convener, Councillor Steven Heddle said that it was an opportunity to debate the impact the sudden breakdown of the Hamnavoe has had – and the lessons that need to be learned in case a situation like this happens again.

He said: “It was also an opportunity for us to ascertain that Serco NorthLink and the Government are doing everything they can to provide the best possible service on the Stromness-Scrabster route.”

Councillor Heddle added: “The point was made strongly at today’s meeting that Serco NorthLink’s communications could have been better in the initial period after the Hamnavoe suffered a serious engine failure.”

The convener explained that councillors were assured that the Government regards Pentland Ferries’ operation as part of Orkney’s lifeline ferry links with the Scottish.

He added that a new ferries consultative group for Orkney will be set up, where the council and other organisations can hold regular discussions with the Government and Serco NorthLink. Contingency planning for ferry breakdowns will, he said, be high on the agenda at the first meeting.