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Flotta based Scapa Flow exhibition opens

A new exhibition has opened showcasing Scapa Flow’s role as a lynchpin of the Orkney economy.

Covering 120 square miles, the Flow has long served as an important anchorage and today supports more than a dozen local industries and countless jobs.

The new permanent exhibition, the Economic Life of Scapa Flow, is based at the pier waiting room in Flotta. It dives into the heart of this famous stretch of water and celebrates the local people making their living from the Flow.

The exhibition has been part-funded by Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd, along with the Scapa Flow Landscape Partnership scheme, Heritage Lottery Fund, Orkney Islands Council, the Scottish Government and the European Community Orkney LEADER 2007-2013 Programme.

The exhibition was opened by Manager of Talisman Energy (UK) Limited’s Flotta Oil Terminal, Gordon McCabe.