
Cruise Arrivals


Fly-tipping warning from environmental health

Following reports of domestic rubbish being fly-tipped in the West Mainland, the OIC’s environmental health department is reminding householders that they face a hefty fine if caught.

David Brown, the OIC’s environmental health manager, said: “We would welcome information from the members of the public who see anyone fly tipping waste – giving us as much detail as possible, for example, location, time, description of the person, vehicle and registration number.

“This is a serious matter as it is not only unsightly but can sometimes be hazardous to both wildlife and ourselves.

“This is reflected in the levels of fines, from a fixed penalty of £50 – or for serious matters which go before the sheriff where a fine up to £40,000 can be imposed. We would urge anyone needing to get rid of their waste to do so responsibly by using one of the many council facilities.”