
Cruise Arrivals


Gymnastics appeal to community in new home search

Orkney Gymnastics Club has begun the search for a new home and is appealing to the local community to help them out.

Orkney Gymnastics Club is searching for a new home to propel them to future success.

The club is appealing to all corners of the Orkney community as it casts its net far and wide for a suitable building or area of land which they can transform into a fully-equipped gymnastics hall.

Their search has become all the more urgent as their own homemade sprung floor is broken beyond repair — leaving the gymnasts with no provision of this key piece of equipment.

The club is exploring all options currently, with preparation for the Orkney Island Games in 2025 at the forefront of their minds.

Read more regarding the gymnastics club’s requirements in The Orcadian this week.