Hatston Pier closed off after fire on ship

(Picture: Jim Delday)
An exclusion zone was set up around Hatston Pier earlier this evening as a small fire was reported on board the offshore vessel Subsea Viking, which was tied up alongside at the time.
It is understood that the fire was quickly brought under control and there were no casualties.
Fire-fighters from Kirkwall remain on scene and the Coastguard tug, which was also berthed at the pier at the time of the incident close by the Subsea Viking, continued to pump water on board the vessel in order to keep gas bottles on the deck of the vessel at a safe cool temperature.

(Picture: Craig Taylor)
As result of the incident, the NorthLink ferry Hrossay, which was due in at the pier, was diverted to Kirkwall Pier instead, and the booking office at Kiln Corner specially opened to deal with passengers.
Shortly after midnight cooling water was still being pumped over the deck of the ship.