Help deliver a master plan for the ‘Hope

A community event next week will give people the chance to help shape plans for future regeneration and economic development opportunities in St Margaret’s Hope.
Orkney Islands Council is involved in a project to produce a “master plan” for the village and is looking for views and ideas from residents and businesses in the area.
Gavin Barr, the OIC’s executive director of development and infrastructure, said: “The aim of the project is to draw up a document that presents a vision of how the community could develop in future – which also sets out the various actions that would be needed to fulfil that vision.
“It’s really important that this is derived from the aspirations of local people and businesses – which is why we are encouraging a good turnout at next week’s event.”
The plan will reflect the unique character and qualities of the village, examine factors that could influence future development in the area, highlight potential challenges, and suggest how these might be overcome.
Mr Barr added: “The community event gives people the opportunity to find out more about the master plan process and share their thoughts with us and the consultants we’ve engaged for the project.
“We’re particularly keen for people to discuss what they see as the strengths and challenges of the village and what regeneration and economic development opportunities are of the greatest importance to them.”
A draft master plan will be produced for consultation this summer and will later inform a draft regeneration strategy for the village.
The consultation event, at the ‘Hope primary school, runs on Tuesday, April 14.