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Information session for prospective councillors

The OIC is holding another information evening for anyone interested in standing for the May 3 Local Government election.

The prospective candidate briefing session, a repeat of one held earlier this month, will take place on March 19, in the council chamber, from 5.30pm.

The session will:

  • Talk candidates through the process of nominating themselves
  • Explain how the council, the Orkney Electoral Registration Office and the Electoral Commission work together to run the election
  • Set out what candidates need to do to be able to stand for election.
  • Outline the role of local councillors

Returning Officer for the election, Albert Tait, said: “We had good attendance at the first session, but from past experience we expect there are many more people who are thinking of standing and who will go on to submit a nomination – this is the ideal opportunity for those people to get a better understanding of the election process and of the role of an elected member.”

Anyone interested can register with the council’s election office on 886350, email electionoffice@orkney.gov.uk or simply turn up on the night.