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Information session on ballast water proposals

A special seminar has been held for OIC councillors ahead of a meeting next month where they will consider whether to introduce a new ballast water management policy for Scapa Flow.

Representatives from Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Orkney Fisheries Association and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds joined councillors in the OIC chamber yesterday afternoon, to hear presentations and take part in a question and answer session.

Councillor James Stockan, chairman of OIC’s development and infrastructure committee, said: “This is an important policy decision for elected members so it is vital we are as well informed as possible before next month’s debate.

“I am pleased that SNH, SEPA, OFA and the RSPB accepted our invitation to join us and ask questions of the officers and consultants who are advising the council.”

OIC’s policy and resources committee will consider proposals for a change to the current ballast water management policy on July 3.