• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Island airports deliver passenger growth

Passenger numbers at HIAL’s regional airports grew by almost 8000 during the last quarter, with the group’s island airports driving growth.

Latest figures for the last quarter (April – June) show that passenger numbers at HIAL’s 11 airports grew by 7806, an increase of 2.2% on the same quarter last year.

All of HIAL’s island airports recorded growth, with Sumburgh recording an extra 9634 passengers (13.9%), due to higher demand for scheduled services and continued growth in the energy sector, and Stornoway handling an additional 2049 passengers (6.3%) as demand for services to the mainland increased.

Barra was the fastest growing airport in the group, with a 22.1% increase in passenger numbers, representing an additional 569 passengers. Benbecula attracted an additional 717 passengers (9.1%), while Kirkwall handled an extra 1047 passengers during the quarter, up by 2.2%.