It’s all in a name for Stromness lane signs

Stromness’s many lanes and closes are about to get the recognition they deserve as they are given official signs through the Stromness THI project.
Since the mid-19th century, the town’s streets, closes and lanes have had formal titles, often reflecting famous people, local characters or the history of the particular area. However, over the years many lanes in Stromness have lost their signs.
The names on the replacement signs have been agreed, in consultation with Stromness Community Council and the council’s roads support team.
Existing plastic signs will also be replaced with metal, hand-painted signs and any existing metal signs will be repainted. The signs will be installed by the OIC over the winter.
Stromness Community Council chairman George Argo said: “The THI and the other development projects in Stromness have resulted in a lot of disruption to our town over the past few years but the overall effect has been positive. Many shops and houses along the street have been given a makeover and its made a huge difference to the look of the town.
“This latest stage in the project will provide some of the finishing touches. Stromness is well known for its historically named lanes and closes and by providing attractive signage it should make it easier for folk to navigate about the town. I hope that folk will come and have a wander down the street and explore the many lanes and find out a little more about Stromness’s history.”