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Karen will represent Orkney at Parliament opening

Picture: The Orcadian/Orkney Media Group
Karen Scott.

A well-known Orkney charity worker has been chosen to represent the county as a local hero at the opening of the Fourth Session of the Scottish Parliament on July 1.

Co-ordinator for cancer charity, CLAN Orkney, Karen Scott was chosen by Orkney MSP Liam McArthur, after MSPs were invited to put forward a local hero, in recognition of their important personal contribution to the lives of people in Scotland.

Explaining why he chose Karen, Mr McArthur said: “Choosing just one local hero is by no means easy, but I think few would doubt Karen Scott’s nomination is well deserved. Her work as CLAN co-ordinator for Orkney over the years has made such a difference to so many people whose lives have been affected by cancer, whether they be a patient, a family member or friend of a patient.”