Learning zone helps youngsters connect to wildlife
(Pic © Lianne de Mello)
The Scottish Wildlife Trust has created a range of free and fun activities to help children of all ages to stay connected with nature during the lockdown.
The Trust’s Learning Zone is a growing collection of nature-based activities and resources that are perfect for springtime. Activities range from egg painting and mask making, to going a minibeast hunt in your garden and learning how to draw wildlife.
Parent and group leaders can search for both indoor and outdoor activities that are suitable for different age groups. Teachers can easily find resources that link to the Curriculum for Excellence.
The Scottish Wildlife Trust’s People and Wildlife Officer Catherine Leatherland said: “Nature is vital for our everyday lives, but at the same time the current restrictions on being outside are making it really challenging to get out and enjoy a daily dose of wildlife.
“The ideas and resources in our new Learning Zone are designed to help everyone from parents to teachers come up with ideas to keep children entertained and occupied, but also engaged with Scotland’s amazing wildlife. We can’t wait to see people share their experiences on social media through #DiscoverLearnPlay.
“Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be building up our range of free resources to ensure that every child in Scotland has the opportunity to engage with nature and wildlife, both during lockdown and afterwards. We’d encourage people to keep checking back to see what has been added and to send us their thoughts on activities they would like to see included.”
To explore the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Learning Zone visit scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/things-to-do/learn/