Lifestyle Centre to open in New Year

A new Lifestyle Centre, to replace the facilities at Keelylang and to provide easy access to the health, leisure and entertainment facilities available at the Pickaquoy Centre, is to open early in the new year.
The opening of the new facility will also mark the start of the new Lifestyles Service for adults with learning disabilities, merging the current day services offered at Keelylang and St Colms.
Construction of the new building, which is connected to the Pickaquoy Centre, is now complete, with finishing touches such as furnishings, specialist equipment and IT systems to be installed over coming weeks, with landscaping also to follow.
The facility features several social spaces, height-adjustable kitchen sinks and hobs to enable service users to build up independent living skills, a multi-sensory relaxation room where lighting and sound can be tailored for individuals, purpose-built personal care rooms with fully wheelchair accessible toilets and showers, an IT room, a meeting room and offices for support workers.
Project lead and registered manager for the new service, Ross Groundwater, said the new facility will help OHAC provide more opportunity and variety for adults with learning disabilities.