Local groups awarded over £20k by SSEN resilience fund

The Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Resilient Communities Fund has awarded a total of £23,976 to local community groups in Orkney this year.
The fund provides grants of up to £20,000 to projects to help protect the welfare of those most vulnerable and enhance community facilities and communication during severe weather events.
Local Orkney projects benefiting from this latest round of funding include:
- A grant of £9,000 to help Stronsay Community Council improve the island’s resilience in an emergency. This includes improvements for the Stronsay Community Centre including a change over switch and a generator base stand so that it can be used as an emergency hub during power cuts and emergency weather events.
- Graemsay, Hoy and Walls Community Council is receiving £3,500 to provide a resilient power supply generator hook up to an identified rest centre facility.
- Eday Community Enterprises Ltd is receiving £7,500 to install an auto start panel and install a container to house a SSEN donated generator.
- Peedie Kirk United Reformed Church is receiving £3,796 to upgrade the hall with provision of emergency lighting and fire detection.
SSEN’s Resilient Communities Fund will re-open for applications in 2018. To find out more about the fund, and for future announcements on the opening date of the next round, you can visit ssen.co.uk/Resiliencefund.
SSEN is also encouraging its customers to be ready for winter and is recommending they download its free Power Track app to stay updated with faults in their area; save the national power cut helpline number, 105; and register for SSEN’s Priority Services Register (PSR), which offers additional support during power cuts to eligible households. For more information on how to get ‘winter ready’, you can visit ssen.co.uk/winter-ready.