Marine renewables open day next month
EMEC, in partnership with Ocean Energy Europe, has developed a programme of events throughout the day, including opening up the main marine renewables sites around Orkney to visitors. The event will also include a seminar and exhibition.
In the morning there is a marine renewables seminar – featuring speakers from EMEC, technology developers, the Scottish Government, Ocean Energy Europe, and the European Commission.
The event will focus on how testing work in Orkney is conquering technical challenges and contributing to industry development, highlighting the pan-European successes and global potential of this exciting, innovative sector.
There then follows a marine renewables exhibition, an opportunity to speak to EMEC, European Commission, technology developers and Orkney’s marine energy supply chain.
Throughout the afternoon, public open days will be held at the key marine renewables sites of Hatston Pier (with tidal energy technologies), Lyness Pier (with wave energy technologies), and EMEC wave test site at Billia Croo.
Further details can be found on the website