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Men… a career in care?

Orkney College UHI is hosting a “Men into Care” evening on Monday evening, outlining qualifications on offer in the care and education industries, and meet men employed in these settings across the county.

Lecturer in social care, Lynn Tait, explained: “Women outnumber men in all of our education and care courses at Orkney College.

“However, pupils and service users in our schools and care services are generally made up of equal numbers of males and females, so this gender balance isn’t reflected in the professionals who work with them.”

Orkney Health and Care’s social work senior practitioner Joe Horrocks — and other men working in education, childcare and the rapid response team – will be on hand on to speak about the place men can have in care and education settings.

Lynn Tait added: “We’d like to attract more men onto Orkney College’s health & social care and education courses, and would be delighted to see folk who’d like to find out more coming along.”