Monday, March 17
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay
Cloudy Icon
Chance of rain icon8%
Wind speed icon9 mph
Wind direction iconSSE
Wind gusts icon13 mph
w-clear-day Icon8°CTue
w-clear-day Icon8°CWed
w-cloudy Icon8°CThu
w-cloudy Icon9°CFri

Cruise Arrivals


Mobile speed camera active on Orkney roads

imagesDrivers in Orkney have been warned by police that the Northern Safety Camera Partnership mobile camera unit will be operating in the islands over the next two days.

According to police, the aim of the mobile speed camera is to help reduce the number and severity of road casualties, by deploying units at accident blackspots.

A spokesman said: “All our camera sites have a proven history of collisions and evidence of speeding vehicles. We may from time to time use mobile cameras at other sites where both vehicle and road users are at greater risk, such as road works.”