Tuesday, March 18
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MP encourages local people to support Noltland award bid

Northern Isles MP Alistair Carmichael is encouraging local people to nominate the excavations at Links of Noltland for the prestigious ‘Best Rescue Dig’ award, hosted by Current Archaeology magazine.

The site which is home to the ‘Westray Wife’ figurine is at severe risk from erosion. Recent work, funded by Historic Scotland, has made it possible to recover a wealth of new information about daily life in the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods.

Mr Carmichael said: “Archaeological sites in Orkney and Shetland are famous across the globe, and excavation efforts across the isles have helped us to discover our rich history.

“That’s why I am encouraging local people in the isles to back the Noltland excavations and vote for them to win the ‘Best Rescue Dig’ award. To win such an award would give the site great publicity and would be another feather in the cap of our fantastic archaeological traditions.”

Votes can be cast at the Current Archaeology website.