Sunday, March 16
  • Kirkwall
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Wind gusts icon20 mph
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MP says 3G trial in Walls can have national implications

Northern Isles MP Alistair Carmichael has highlighted national potential of a 3G trial launched in Walls, Shetland last week.

The trial is a joint effort with the local community, the Shetland Islands Council and Vodafone, and will see three Femtocells — small base stations which emit mobile signal — installed in Walls to provide 3G signal across an area which traditionally has had poor signal.

Mr Carmichael said: “The local community in Walls have done brilliantly to ensure that they were selected to trial the Femtocell technology. It is a great endorsement of what happens when communities, the public sector and large mobile operators work together to come up with innovative solutions. Ian Walterson and the Community Council are to be congratulated for what they have achieved.”

“The unique challenges that the Isles pose in terms of geography and population present a great opportunity for communications providers to experiment with new ideas. If their technology can work on the Isles, it can work anywhere.”

“Improved connectivity will keep rural areas alive and thriving. If this trial is successful, I would hope to see Femtocell technology rolled out across the remote communities in the Northern Isles.”