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MSP welcomes cheaper fuel

Commenting on the launch of the UK Government’s 5p fuel duty discount scheme today, Orkney MSP Liam McArthur insists that isles motorists should see fuel prices come down closer to levels on the Scottish mainland.

Mr McArthur said: “I have campaigned for a long time to see the inequality in fuel prices between island and mainland areas addressed, and am pleased that the Liberal Democrats in government at UK level have succeeded in implementing this scheme.  It is simply not acceptable, however, for this much-needed assistance to be undermined by profiteering on the part of fuel sellers.

“The commitment by the distribution company GB Oils to open their books, so that islanders and the competition authorities can see where profit is made is welcome.  The head of GB Oils has also accepted an invitation from my colleague, Tavish Scott MSP to visit Shetland and this is an invitation I will be extending to him to come to Orkney as well.

“As this is a pilot scheme, there will inevitably be issues that will arise over the coming months that need to be addressed.  However, I am delighted that progress on this issue has now been made.”