Muce Ram takes the top spot

A Charollais shearling shown by Sheena Coghill, from Muce, in Birsay, took the top prize at a show of breeding rams, held by the Orkney Sheep Breeders Association this morning at Orkney Auction Mart.
The shearling also took the top prize in in the Any Other Pure Breed Class, judged earlier in the morning by Stewart Wood, from Garson, in Sandwick.
The top Texel at the show was a ram lamb shown by Keith Hourston, from Skelbister, in Orphir.
The prize for the best animal in the Suffolk section went to a ram lamb shown by Davie Summers, from Easthouse, in Toab, and the best in the Cheviot/Leicester section was a Cheviot ram lamb shown by Allan Smith, of Upper Cornquoy, in Holm.