MV Priscilla: re-float attempt could take place tonight

“An attempt to re-float the grounded vessel MV Priscilla may be made later tonight if the weather and tidal conditions are favourable”, the Secretary of State’s representative for maritime salvage, Hugh Shaw has said.
According to HM Coastguard, with the cargo discharge operations now complete, operations to prepare the vessel for a re-float moved a step closer today after a Salvage Control Unit (SCU) meeting reported good progress was being made.
If the weather and tidal conditions continue to hold, an attempt may be made to re-float the vessel later tonight at high water around 10pm.
If the re-float is successful, the vessel will be towed a safe distance from the grounding position location and will be held there until inspections confirm she is in a stable condition to undertake a short sea passage to a sheltered location.
Mr Shaw said: “a number of locations are still being considered and the final decision will be made once the structural integrity of the vessel has been established.”
A temporary exclusion zone of 1000 metres remains in place around the position of the grounded vessel.