Mystery over oiled seabirds . . .

Members of the public are asked to report any findings of oiled seabirds on Orkney’s beaches after two have been discovered recently in the North Isles, sparking a mystery as to the cause of the pollution.
A dead razorbill, coated with thick oil, was found in Papa Westray earlier this week, with the find following the discovery of a live but oiled guillemot in Sanday.
There has also been a report of a small clump of oil discovered on Skaill Beach, Sandwick, but it is not known if these incidents are connected.
Julian Branscombe, from Papay, said: “The SSPCA, RSPB, SNH, OIC Marine Services, Orkney Seal Rescue and Orkney Field Club are all part of the Orkney Wildlife Emergency Group who will organise a response if an incident proves to be major.
“I really hope there isn’t more oil, and dead birds, out there — there couldn’t be a more sensitive time than the start of the seabird breeding season.”
Reports of live oiled birds should be reported to the SSPCA (03000 999 999), and any reports of oil should also be reported to Orkney Islands Council on 873535.