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breaking news

New COVID case in Orkney

A new case of coronavirus has been identified in Orkney, NHS Orkney has confirmed.

The news first came in First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s daily briefing, before being officially announced by NHSO at 2pm.

This brings the total number of cases registered to Orkney, to date, to 27.

According to the health authority, the individual  who has tested positive is currently living in Orkney. Those in their circle, and any others who might be infected, are being contacted and asked to self-isolate.

NHS Orkney director of public health, Dr Louise Wilson said: “The situation across the country remains critical and, while our island communities have not been as badly affected as those on the mainland, we are just as vulnerable and we appeal to our community to take care and follow the FACTS guidelines.”

“Most important is to keep physically distant from people outside your home and keep washing your hands.”

Anyone with a new cough, fever and loss of taste or smell is asked to self-isolate immediately and request a COVID-19 test.

NHS Orkney has a direct phone line for people with symptoms to book a COVID-19 test. This is 01856 888 211 between 9.30am and 5.30pm Monday-Friday and until 12.30pm at the weekend. Â