New headteacher for North Walls school

Orkney Islands Council has confirmed that a new headteacher has been appointed for North Walls community school.
Shirley Stuart currently teaches at Glaitness primary school in Kirkwall. Subject to the usual checks, she is due to take up her new post during the summer term.
Ms Stuart has worked as a nursery nurse, as principal teacher at a small rural school in Moray – Glenlivet primary – and as acting head teacher for three North Isles schools — Eday, North Ronaldsay and Papa Westray.
Wilfred Weir, the OIC’s executive director of education, leisure and housing, said: “Shirley’s experience makes her well suited to the headship of North Walls community school.
“She has an excellent track record and I am sure she will be warmly welcomed at the school and by the wider community in the island. I wish her well in her new role.”
Ms Stuart added: “I am absolutely delighted to have been offered the post of headteacher at North Walls.
“My key aims are to be open and inclusive and to provide the pupils with an enriching learning experience. I am really looking forward to working with the pupils, parents, staff and the wider community in sustaining and moving forward the already great working being undertaken at the school.”