New KGS and Papdale Halls of Residence opens doors to public this weekend

Members of the public will be able to tour the new Kirkwall Grammar School and Papdale Halls of Residence this weekend.
The new KGS Â will be open from 11am to 3pm this coming Saturday and Sunday. Visitors will be able to follow a marked route through the school, including the new Orkney Theatre, with guidance from pupil and teacher volunteers stationed along the way.
Papdale Halls of Residence will be open on Saturday only, from 11am to 3pm, for guided tours, taking in a sample of each of the bedrooms and the common rooms and other shared and social spaces.
Refreshments will be available at KGS for £1.50 for adults, and free for children, with proceeds going to the School fund. There will also be a raffle, and the chance to buy the new KGS Calendar, produced by the KGS Young Enterprise Group.
On Sunday, visitors will also be able to hear first-hand the acoustics in the new Orkney Theatre as the Kirkwall Amateur Operatic Society carry out music workshops in preparation for the musical CATS, scheduled to be performed in the new Orkney Theatre in February.
Visitors will be able to park in the new KGS car park, which will be signposted, and in the bus bays. The old KGS car park will also be available for overflow parking if required. More news about the open days and photos of the new school are available on the Kirkwall Grammar School Facebook page and on