New vessel bunkering service for Orkney

(Picture: Andrew Shields)
A two-year contract has been awarded to Simpson Oils of Wick to deliver a bunkering service for the provision of low sulphur marine gas oil to vessels using Kirkwall harbour, Hatston Pier and Scapa Flow.
This follows a competitive tendering exercise conducted by Orkney Islands Council in November 2015.
Michael Morrison, Business Development Manager with OIC Marine Services, said: “This tender award puts in the place the final element of service for visiting vessels.
“Having a solution that allows ships to bunker alongside and at anchor, gives flexibility to the market and can cater for a wide range of shipping.
“We will monitor closely the impact of bunker provision on our existing and developing markets and analyse what revenue growth we can attribute to this crucial additional service, both for our ports and the local supply chain.”
Hugh Simpson of Simpson Oils said: “We recognise the considerable investment over the past few years that Orkney Islands Council has expended in its port infrastructure to attract new business from the energy and marine tourism sectors, and we see a mutually advantageous opportunity to work closely with the Harbour Authority in the provision of marine gas oil bunkering to service current and attract new stakeholders.”