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NHS board approve ‘body corporate’ integration model

The board of NHS Orkney has approved the establishment of a “body corporate” model to take forward the integration of certain health and social care services with Orkney Islands Council. The aim is to draw up plans for jointly managing the services.

At its meeting this morning, the board reiterated its preference for a “lead agency” model, but chief executive Cathie Cowan said that NHS Orkney had already demonstrated its commitment to partnership working and should do so again by adopting the “body corporate” model.

It would, she said, address any uncertainty for patients, carers and partners, and the board would remain responsible for assuring clinical safety and encouraging strong clinical leadership.

She added it would help address existing capacity issues by reducing delayed discharges, avoiding unnecessary admissions and readmissions to hospital. It would also remove uncertainty for staff which would have a positive impact on recruitment and retention.

Mrs Cowan reminded members that Orkney is a small board, contracting around 20 per cent of its budget with neighbouring health authorities, and that certain acute and hospital services and functions may not be included in the new arrangements.

Health boards and councils across Scotland have been asked to submit plans to Scottish ministers by April 2015 for moving towards a single system which is intended to improve outcomes for people using these services.