NHS Orkney funding welcomed

Health Boards across the country have responded to the news of an increase in funding from the Scottish Government for the next financial year.
NHS Orkney has been awarded an initial revenue allocation of £35.8 million for the financial year 2014-15, described as a 4.5% uplift. It was also awarded £1.035m of capital funding.
Responding to the announcement on Friday by the Scottish Government, Gerry O’Brien, director of finance, for NHS Orkney said: “NHS Orkney welcomes the Scottish Government announcement of NHS funding levels.
“The allocation announced for Orkney is in line with our financial planning assumption for 2014/15, we are currently in discussion with the Scottish Government in relation to further progression towards NRAC (NHSScotland Resource Allocation Committee) parity in 2015/16 and 2016/17.
“The additional funding will enable us to take forward planned service developments in line with the board’s agreed clinical strategy, ‘Our Orkney Our Health – Transforming Clinical Services’ and will provide a firm financial foundation for the development of the integrated healthcare facilities planned for the Scapa site.
He added: “The £1.035m of capital funding will be used to support our essential backlog maintenance programme and the commissioning of an Orkney based CT Scanner in the spring of this year.”