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NHS Orkney to host Falls Week events

NHS Orkney’s Ageing Well Team has arranged a programme of events as part of Falls Week 2023.

The aim of the events will be to inform and support the community in reducing their risk of falls and tips to stay safe at home.

This is similar to last year’s events, which were well-attended. This year’s events will run from Tuesday, November 28 until Thursday, November 30.

Often, people think falling is an inevitable part of ageing, but there are lots of things that can be done to reduce our risk and maximise our health as we grow older.

Throughout the week, there will be information available in the main atrium at the entrance to The Balfour and staff present from 1.30–3pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The aim is to educate and support the public, patients, and staff to keep moving and stay safe at home.

As part of the information events, NHS Orkney will also be carrying out walking aid checks, and strength and balance sessions.

On the Tuesday, the focus will be on fire safety at home and providing advice and support to keep people and their homes safe from fire hazards. Head along between 1.30pm and 3pm to see what help is available. Active Movers’ Donna Cuthbertson, will also be showing us how to keep active.

On Wednesday, a walking aid check and strength and balance exercise advice will be available for everyone, 1.30-3pm

On Thursday, Ageing Well and Orkney Health and Care staff will be on hand 1.30-3pm to give assistance on keeping safe at home, including information on telecare.

Shauna Stockan, NHS Orkney physiotherapist said: “We are never too young or too old to make small and simple changes to help ensure we remain strong and steady in our older years.

“I’d really like to encourage everyone to come along to these sessions and speak to ourselves to see how we can help you improve your health and wellbeing.”

For local advice and information about the Falls Prevention Service, you can contact the Ageing Well Team by calling 01856 888231, or emailing ORK.physio@nhs.scot

Additionally, there is plenty of information to be found on preventing falls on NHS Inform www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/preventing-falls